Sl.No. | Research Studies | Author/s | Year |
189 | Estimating and Bridging the Yield Gaps in Oilseeds for Atam Nirbhar Bharat | Yogesh Bhatt and Param Jit | 2022 |
188 | Village survey study in Uttarakhand (Lachhampur Village) | Yogesh Bhatt and Param Jit | 2021 |
187 | Sugarcane Transportation and Harvesting Cost | Yogesh Bhatt, Parmeet Kumar Vinit and Varnika Jain | 2021 |
186 | Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 on Sugarcane Farmers in Haryana and Uttarakhand. | Yogesh Bhatt | 2021 |
185 | Assessment of livestock Feed and Fodder in Haryana | Yogesh Bhatt, Utkarsh Yadav and Renu Sain | 2020 |
184 | Electronic National Agricultural Market (e-Nam): A Review of Performance and Prospects in Haryana | C.S.C Sekhar & Yogesh Bhatt | 2018 |
183 | An Economic Analysis of Cost and Return of Off-Season Vegetables with Focus on Poly House Effect in Uttarakhand | Surender Kumar | 2017 |
182 | Farmer Suicides in Haryana | Surender Kumar | 2017 |
181 | Possibilities and Constraints in Adoption of Alternative Crops to Paddy in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2015 |
180 | Relationship between Wholesale Prices Retail Prices and Export Prices of Basmati Rice in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2015 |
179 | Assessment of Marketable and Marketed Surplus of Major Food-grains in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2013 |
178 | Baseline Data on Horticultural Crops in Uttarakhand | Usha Tuteja | 2013 |
177 | Evaluation of Market Intervention Scheme in Uttarakhand (Apple C Grade) | D.S Bhupal | 2013 |
176 | Evaluation of Price Support Scheme: Sunflower in Haryana | D.S. Bhupal | 2013 |
175 | Impact of Emerging Marketing Channels in Agricultural Marketing Benefits to Producer Seller and Marketing Costs and Margins of Agricultural Commodities in Haryana | Usha Tuteja and Subhash Chandra | 2012 |
174 | Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on Wage Rates Food Security and Rural-Urban Migration in Haryana | D.S. Bhupal | 2011 |
173 | Impact of the National Horticulture Mission (NHM) Scheme in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2011 |
172 | Possibilities and Constraints of Increasing Production of Pulses and Impact of National Food Security Mission, Pulses in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2011 |
171 | Impact of Assessment Study of Agricultural Market Reforms in Uttarakhand and Haryana | D.S. Bhupal | 2009 |
170 | Impact of Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme in Haryana | R.P.S Malik | 2009 |
169 | Impact of Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme in Uttarakhand | R.P.S Malik | 2009 |
168 | Instability in production and trade of pulses: A global analysis | Usha Tuteja | 2009 |
167 | Review of the Comprehensive District. Agricultural Plan (C-DAP) of Kaithal district, Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2009 |
166 | Review of the Comprehensive District Agricultural Plan (C-DAP) of Dehradun district, Uttarakhand | Usha Tuteja | 2009 |
165 | Review of the Comprehensive District Agricultural Plan (C-DAP) of Karnal District, Haryana | D.S Bhupal | 2009 |
164 | State budgetary resources and agriculture development in Uttarakhand | Usha Tuteja | 2008 |
163 | Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops as a Means of Diversification of Agriculture in Uttaranchal | R.P.S Malik | 2007 |
162 | Factors Affecting Fertilizer Consumption in Haryana | R.P.S Malik and C.S.C Shekhar | 2007 |
161 | Pilot Study for Estimation of Seed, Feed, and Wastage Ratio for Major Food Grains in Haryana | D.S Bhupal | 2007 |
160 | Viable Entrepreneurial Trade of Women in Agriculture in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2007 |
159 | Viable Entrepreneurial Trade of Women in Uttaranchal | C.S.C Shekhar | 2007 |
158 | Agricultural Input Subsidies in India: Quantum of Subsidies to SC/ST Farmers | Usha Tuteja | 2006 |
157 | Building of an Efficient Marketing System to Obviate Need for a Large scale State Intervention: A Consolidate Report | J.P Singh | 2005 |
156 | Implication of Spatial and Farm Size Group Variation in Fertilizer Consumption Haryana | Prem S. Vashishtha & Linu M Philip | 2005 |
155 | Oilseeds in Non-Traditional Areas: A Note on Sunflower Cultivation in Punjab | Prem S. Vashishtha | 2005 |
154 | Agricultural Policy in India: A Policy Matrix in a Federal System---A Case Study of Haryana | R.P.S Malik | 2004 |
153 | Fruits and Vegetable Mandies Located in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas of Delhi: Their Problems and Suggestions for Improvement | D.S Bhupal | 2004 |
152 | Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables in India | D.S Bhupal | 2004 |
151 | Oilseeds in Non-Traditional Areas: Sunflower Cultivation in Haryana | Prem S. Vashishtha | 2004 |
150 | Rural Non-Farm Employment in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2004 |
149 | Agricultural Input Subsidies in India: Quantum of Subsidies to Sc/ST Farmers A Study in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 2003 |
148 | Buffer Stocking Policy for Tenth Five-Year Plan: Background Paper for Discussion in the Meeting of Fifth Technical Group April 21, 2003 | Prem S Vashishta and Linu M Philip | 2003 |
147 | Building up of an Efficient Marketing System to Obviate need for Large Scale State Intervention in Haryana | J.P Singh | 2003 |
146 | Tailenderes and others Deprived in an Irrigated System in Haryana | Prem S Vashishta | 2003 |
145 | Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers in Haryana | R.P.S Malik | 2002 |
144 | Impact of Minimum Support Price on Agriculture Economic in Haryana | R.P.S Malik | 2002 |
143 | Likely Impact of Liberalised Imports and Low on Edible Oil Sector: A Consolidate Report of the Quick Studies Conducted by the AERC's |
D.S Bhupal | 2002 |
142 | Agricultural Trade Liberalization and its implication on Indian Agriculture | C.S.C Shekhar | 2001 |
141 | Assessing the Existing Training and Testing Facilities for Farm Machinery in Haryana | C.S.C Shekhar | 2001 |
140 | Likely Impact of Liberalised Imports and Low on Edible Oil Sector: A Quick Study of Rapeseed and Mustard in Haryana | D.S Bhupal | 2001 |
139 | Livestock Economy of Haryana: Recent Trends and Prospects | R.K. Sharma | 2001 |
138 | Role of Co-operative Credit in Developing Different Size Groups of Farmers in Haryana: A Case study of Karnal dist. | J.P Singh | 2001 |
137 | Economics of Pulses Production and Identification of Constraints in Raising Their Production in Punjab | Usha Tuteja | 2000 |
136 | Socio-Economic Evaluation of the NIPMP for Rice and Cotton in Punjab | R.P.S Malik | 2000 |
135 | Economics of Pulses Production and Identification of Constraints in Raising Their Production in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 1999 |
134 | Production and Utilisation Pattern of Milk at the Rural Producers Level in Punjab | D.S Bhupal | 1999 |
133 | Economics of Export-Oriented Horticultural Crops in Haryana: A Case Study of Floriculture in Haryana | R.P.S Malik | 1998 |
132 | Hi-tech Agriculture in Punjab: Performance and Prospects | R.K.Sharma | 1998 |
131 | Interaction Between Population Growth Consumption and Land Use Change in Haryana (India) | Prem S Vashishta | 1998 |
130 | Sources of Agricultural Growth in Semi-Arid Tropic: A Case Study of Haryana | C.S.C Shekhar | 1998 |
129 | Analysis of Trends in Operational Holdings in Haryana | J.P Singh | 1997 |
128 | Female Employment in Agriculture: A Case Study of Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 1997 |
127 | Sustaining the Productivity of Resource Base: Evaluation of Some Technology and Policy Alternatives | R.P.S Malik | 1997 |
126 | The Economics of Beekeeping in Punjab | Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya | 1997 |
125 | Agricultural Development and Distribution of Gains in Punjab and Haryana | J.P Singh | 1996 |
124 | Comparative Economics of Mechanized and Non-Mechanised Transportation of Agricultural Products: A Consolidated Report of AERC Studies | D.S Bhupal | 1996 |
123 | Impact of Liberalised Policies on Agriculture and Conditions of Farming Population: A Case Study of Fast Food Industry | R.P.S Malik and R.K Sharma | 1996 |
122 | Impact of National Watershed Development Project for rainfed areas in Haryana | R.K Sharma | 1996 |
121 | The Impact of Subsidies on Agricultural Development: Consolidated Report on AERC Studies | P. Rangaswamy | 1995 |
120 | Economic Viability of Small and Marginal Farmers in Haryana | A Majid | 1994 |
119 | Emerging Problems of Agricultural Marketing with Special Focus on Input Supplies and Processing Unit | D.S Bhupal | 1994 |
118 | Comparative Economics of Mechanised and Non-Mechanised Transportation of Agricultural Products in Haryana | D.S Bhupal | 1993 |
117 | Dynamics of Green Revolution: An Analytical Survey of Micro Studies Conducted by AERC Delhi, In Haryana and Punjab | R.R Vaish | 1993 |
116 | Effect of Subsidies on Agricultural Development: A Study in Haryana | P Rangaswamy and S.N Mishra | 1993 |
115 | Impact of Increase in Fertiliser Price on the Consumption of Fertilizer in Haryana 1992-93 Kharif | J.P Singh | 1993 |
114 | Impact of Watershed Development Project in Haryana | R.K Sharma | 1993 |
113 | Cropping Pattern and Land Use Changes in the village of North India | S.S Tyagi | 1992 |
112 | Decentralized planning in agriculture and rural development Infrastructure Development Enumeration at dist. Level | C.S.C Shekhar | 1992 |
111 | Evaluation of Pulses Development Program in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 1992 |
110 | Reclamation of Alkaline Soils in Haryana | D.S Bhupal | 1992 |
109 | Landuse Sustainability and Agriculture Development in West India 1951-88 | D.P Chaudhuri | 1991 |
108 | Literacy in Haryana: Evidence from Village Studies | A Majid | 1991 |
107 | Pattern of Employment and Labour Use in Punjab and Haryana Agriculture | R.P.S Malik | 1991 |
106 | Role of Prices and Technology in Changing Factor Productions: A Case Study of Wheat and Paddy Farms in Punjab and Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 1991 |
105 | Impact of Drought on Rural Economy in Haryana | P. Rangaswamy | 1990 |
104 | Land Reform Policy Legislation Implementation and Impact in the Northern Region of India | J.P Singh | 1990 |
103 | Role of Farm Extension in Drought Management | R.K Sharma | 1990 |
102 | Price Spread in the Marketing of Vegetables in Delhi | D.S Bhupal | 1989 |
101 | Prospects of Changing Cropping Pattern in Favour of Oilseeds and Pulses in Punjab and Haryana | J.P Singh | 1989 |
100 | Efficiency of Investments in IRDP: A Study of Uttar Pradesh | C.H Hanumantha Rao | 1988 |
99 | Region-wise Cropwise Fertilizer Consumption Fertilizer: A Study of Punjab 1983-84 | R.P.S Malik | 1988 |
98 | Walidpur: Agricultural Transformation in Two Decades | S.S Tyagi | 1988 |
97 | Animal Energy in Agriculture: A Case Study of Uttar Pradesh | R.K Sharma | 1987 |
96 | Evaluation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Special Rice Production Programme in Eastern Uttar Pradesh | J.P Singh | 1987 |
95 | Evaluation of Integrated Rural Development Programme in Haryana | P Rangaswamy | 1987 |
94 | Impact of Price Reduction on Fertilizer Consumption: A Farm level Study of Kanpur dist. of UP | Moolchand | 1987 |
93 | Impact of Professional Agricultural Extension: A Study of T7V Extension in Haryana | R.K Sharma | 1987 |
92 | Marketing of Cotton: A Study in Haryana | D.S Bhupal | 1987 |
91 | Region-wise and Cropwise Consumption of Fertilizer in Haryana: A Study of farm-level data for the year 1983-84 | R.R. Vaish | 1987 |
90 | Region-wise Cropwise Fertilizer Consumption Fertilizer in Haryana | R.R.Vaish | 1987 |
89 | Relative Prices in Punjab Agriculture | J.P Singh | 1987 |
88 | Bengal Provincial Kisan Sabha: A Sociological Study of A Peasant Organization | Abhijit Dasgupta | 1987 |
87 | Problems and Prospects of Pulses Crops Cultivation in Haryana | Usha Tuteja | 1986 |
86 | Rural Development and Employment Opportunities: Case Study of a Village in District Sangrur, Punjab | R.R Vaish | 1986 |
85 | Women's Contribution to Household Income among Agricultural Labourers of Punjab | A Majid | 1986 |
84 | Evaluation of Investment on Tube wells and Land Development in Sangrur dist. of Punjab | H. laxshminaryana | 1985 |
83 | Management of Social Forestry in Haryana: A Study in Ambla & Fatehabad Divisions | P K. Bhattaracharya | 1985 |
82 | Utilization of Farm Implements in Punjab: A Case Study from Gurdaspur and Patiala District. | D.S Bhupal | 1985 |
81 | Evaluation of Investment in Pumpsets in Haryana | Laxminarayan, H | 1984 |
80 | Evaluation of Investment in Sprinklers in Haryana | Laxminarayan, H | 1984 |
79 | Repaying Capacity of Farmers Based on Incremental Income in Haryana | J.P Singh | 1984 |
78 | Agricultural Development in Haryana: Regional and Districtwise Variations in Crop Production and Productivity | D.P Gupta | 1982 |
77 | An Evaluation of Antyodaya Programme in Uttar Pradesh: A Study of Selected Households in Districts Chamoli and Jhansi | R.R Vaish | 1982 |
76 | Farm Power in Punjab: A Case study of Ludhiana district | R.P.S Malik | 1982 |
75 | Agricultural Development in Punjab: A District wise Analysis 1966-67 to 1979-80 | D.P Gupta | 1981 |
74 | Economic of Dry Farming in Drought Prone Area: A Case Study of Hissar in Haryana | P. Rangaswamy | 1981 |
73 | Economics of Fodder Crop Cultivation: A Case study of Kharif Crops in Sirsa dist. Haryana | Usha Nagpal | 1981 |
72 | Production and Marketing of Potato in Punjab | P. Rangaswamy | 1981 |
71 | Agricultural Development and Disparities: A Study of Eighteen Western Districts of Uttar Pradesh | K. Chandra Mouli | 1980 |
70 | An Evaluation of the Antyodaya Programme | R.R Vaish | 1980 |
69 | Economics of Soybean Cultivation: With Reference to Nainital and Pauri Garhwal Dist. in U.P. | S.S. Tyagi | 1980 |
68 | Factors Affecting Fertiliser Use in the Hill Region of Uttar Pradesh | R.K Sharma | 1980 |
67 | Food For Work Programme: A Case Study of Banda Dist. | R.D Sharma | 1980 |
66 | Influence of Rainfall and Temperature on Crop Production | R.P.S Malik | 1980 |
65 | Unionisation of Agricultural Labourers : A Study in Farodkot dist. of Punjab | P. Bhattacharya | 1980 |
64 | Impact of Harvest Combines on Labour Use Crop Pattern and Productivity: Rabi 1977-78 and Kharif 1978 | H. Laxminarayan | 1980 |
63 | Income Saving and Investment of Selected Labour households in Ludhiana Meerut and Karnal Dist. : Combined Report for the Year 1969-70 to 1971-72 | P Bhattacharya | 1979 |
62 | Share of the Small Farm Sector in Agriculture: A Case Study of Village Palanpur in Western U.P | Usha Nagpal | 1979 |
61 | Agricultural Development in Haryana 1952-53 to 1975-76 | D.P Gupta | 1978 |
60 | Agricultural Development in Punjab 1952-53 to 1976-77 | K.K. Shangari | 1978 |
59 | Changes in Agrarian Structure | H. Laxminarayan | 1978 |
58 | Factor Affecting Public Milk Procurement: A Case Study of Verka Milk Plant Amritsar | Usha Nagpal | 1978 |
57 | Hill Area Development Programme: Pilot Project Pauri Garhwal (U.P) 1977-78 | D.P Gupta | 1978 |
56 | Impact of Harvest Combines on Labour Use Crop Pattern and Productivity: Interim Report on Rabi Survey 1977-78 | D.P Gupta | 1978 |
55 | Income saving & investment of farmers in an agriculturally prosperous area: A case study of Karnal dist. Harayana (1969-70-1971-72) | Nabar, Veena | 1978 |
54 | Performance of High-Yielding Varieties of Wheat in Punjab, Haryana, and West Uttar Pradesh | R.K. Sharma and R.P.S Malik | 1978 |
53 | Supply Response of Sugarcane and its Products in U P: With Special Reference to Muzaffarnagar District | P. Rangaswamy | 1978 |
52 | Fixation of water rates | H. Laxminarayan | 1977 |
51 | Income Saving and Investment: A Case study of Ludhiana district (1969-70 to 1971-72) | A. Sartaj Kidwai | 1977 |
50 | Income Savings and Investments: A Study of Selected Farm Households in District Meerut 1969-70 to 1971-72 | R.R Vaish | 1977 |
49 | Labor use in Cultivation: A Study of Selected Farm Households in district Ludhiana, Punjab 1969-70 | R.R.Vaish | 1977 |
48 | Agricultural Development in Haryana 1952-53 to 1974-75 | D.P Gupta | 1976 |
47 | Big Farmers of Punjab: Report of a Survey | A. Majid and B.D Talib | 1976 |
46 | Factor Affecting Public Milk Procurement: A Case study of the Delhi milk Scheme 1965-66 to 1974-75 | Veena Nabar | 1976 |
45 | Small Farmers of Punjab | P. Bhattacharya and A Maijd | 1976 |
44 | Stagnation of Wheat Output 1972-73-75: A Study in Punjab Haryana U.P with Special Reference to dist. Ludhiana | G.R. Saini | 1976 |
43 | Impact of Decline in Fertilizer Use During 1974-75: A Study in Selected Districts of Haryana, Punjab and U P | R.K Sharma and D.P Gupta | 1975 |
42 | Small Farmers Development Programme in District Ambala (Haryana): An Evaluation of Progress and Problem | S.S. Tyagi | 1975 |
41 | Economics of Tractor Cultivation: A Study in Karnal District Haryana | R.K Sharma | 1974 |
40 | Evaluation of the Small Farmers Development Agency: A Pilot Study in Ambala District | S.S Tyagi | 1973 |
39 | Small farmer Development programme: In Amritsar Ferozepur (Punjab) | D.P Gupta | 1973 |
38 | State Take-over of Wholesale trade in wheat: An Appraisal of its Working in U.P, Haryana and Punjab | K.C. Garg | 1973 |
37 | Study of district-wise Growth of Agricultural Output in Punjab 1952-69 | Chandra Prabha | 1973 |
36 | The Social and Economic Implication of the Large-Scale Introduction of High Yield Varieties of Wheat in Haryana: The UNDP Global Project Part I: General | H. laxminarayan | 1973 |
35 | Agrarian Transition in a West U P Village | Ashwini Seth and Ajay Tankha | 1972 |
34 | Economics of Tractor vs Bullack Cultivation: A Study in Karnal District Haryana | R.K Sharma | 1972 |
33 | A Study of Changes in the Socio-Economic Conditions of Weaving Households of Village Purena Pandey District Basti, U P: 1959-60 to 1964-65 | R.A Singh | 1971 |
32 | Economics of Reclamation of Saline-Alkali Land: A Study in Aligarh Division of the Ganga Canals | S.S. Tyagi | 1971 |
31 | Problems of Marginal Farmers and Landless Agricultural Labourers: A Study of Hissar District in Haryana State 1970-71 | P.V.G.K Rao and R.K Sharma | 1971 |
30 | Study on Loans Advanced by the Land Development Banks in Uttar Pradesh: With Special Reference to District Barabanki and Mathura | R.R Vaish | 1971 |
29 | Control of Water as a Source of Agricultural Development: The Case of Punjab | Gilbert Leconte | 1970 |
28 | Land Reform and Agrarian Change in India and Pakistan Since 1947 | P.C Joshi | 1970 |
27 | Wage and Employment of Agricultural Labourers in India: Some Cross-Sectional Analysis | Kalpana | 1970 |
26 | Economic Aspects of High Yielding Varieties Programme in Punjab: A study of IR-8 Paddy in Amritsar district Kharif 1968-69 | P.V.G.K. Rao | 1969 |
25 | Economics of high yielding Wheat in Punjab: Special reference to Amritsar district Rabi 1968-69 | P.V.G.K. Rao | 1969 |
24 | Evaluation of the High Yielding Varieties Programme (Rabi-1968-69): a study of Mexican wheat in Karnal district (Haryana) | R.K Sharma | 1969 |
23 | Report on HYVP in Saharanpur dist (U P) Rabi 1968-69: with reference to Mexican Wheat | A.P Rao | 1969 |
22 | Wheat Package Profitability: A Study in the IADP district Aligarh, U P | Kuldeep Chandra Sehgal | 1969 |
21 | A Study of the Problem of Wastage of Rural Primary Education in India | AER Centre, Delhi | 1968 |
20 | Evaluation of high yielding variation program Rabi 1967-68: A study of Mexican Wheat in Saharanpur district U P | D.P Gupta | 1968 |
19 | Evaluation of the High Yielding Varieties Programme (Rabi-1967): a study of Mexican wheat in Karnal district (Haryana) | R.K Sharma | 1968 |
18 | Evaluation of the High Yielding Varieties Programme: a study of TN-I paddy in Karnal district (Haryana). | R.K. Sharma | 1968 |
17 | Primary Education in Rural India: Participation and Wastage | Amartya Sen | 1968 |
16 | Cooperative Farming in Pilot Project Areas in U.P and Punjab: Report on the Follow-up Survey (Part I & Part II) | T.C Varghese | 1967 |
15 | Impact of the Intensive Sugarcane Development Scheme in I.D. block Daurala, dist. Meerut U P | G.R Saini | 1967 |
14 | Price Behaviour of Important Cash Crops in Selected Markets of UP and Punjab 1952-66 | D.P Gupta and D.P Dewan | 1967 |
13 | The High Yielding Varieties Programme 1966-67: A Study in District Aligarh U P | D.P Gupta | 1967 |
12 | Behavior of Gram Price in Selected Markets of UP & Punjab (1952-64) | D.P Gupta and D.P Dewan | 1966 |
11 | Cooperative Credit in the Package Programme: A Study in Aligargh district. U P | R.K Sharma | 1966 |
10 | Introduction to Agricultural Production Economics and Farm Management | C.A Robertson | 1966 |
9 | Behavior of Rice Price in Selected Markets in UP and Punjab (1952-64) | D.P Gupta | 1965 |
8 | Economic and Social Aspects of Egg Production: A Study in Meerut Dist. U P | U.S. Jaggi & C.A. Robertson | 1965 |
7 | Act on Economic Development on Agricultural Labour: case studies of 15 selected villages in Punjab and U P | G.R. Saini and R K Sharma | 1964 |
6 | Cooperative Farming in Pilot Project Areas in U.P, Punjab and Delhi: An evaluation of progress and problems (Part I & Part II) | T.C. Varghese and D.P Gupta | 1964 |
5 | Effectiveness of Crop Demonstrations: A Study of Wheat Demonstrations in Aligarh District U P | C.A Robertson | 1964 |
4 | Agricultural Growth in Madras State 1949-50--1962-63 | R. Thanarajkshi | 1963 |
3 | Socio-Economic Changes in Rural India 1954-55-58-59: A Case Study of Village in Western U.P SOHALAPUR GARA Saharanpur dist U.P | P.C Joshi | 1963 |
2 | Farmers' response to Price and Marketing Policies affecting Sugarcane and Paddy: A Case Study in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India | 1962 | |
1 | Socio-Economic Changes in Rural India (1955-56 -190-61): A case study of a village in Punjab | H Laxminarayan | 1961 |