Sl.No. Research Studies Author/s Year
189 Estimating and Bridging the Yield Gaps in Oilseeds for Atam Nirbhar Bharat Yogesh Bhatt and Param Jit 2022
188 Village survey study in Uttarakhand (Lachhampur Village) Yogesh Bhatt and Param Jit 2021
187 Sugarcane Transportation and Harvesting Cost Yogesh Bhatt, Parmeet Kumar Vinit and Varnika Jain 2021
186 Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 on Sugarcane Farmers in Haryana and Uttarakhand. Yogesh Bhatt 2021
185 Assessment of livestock Feed and Fodder in Haryana Yogesh Bhatt, Utkarsh Yadav and Renu Sain 2020
184 Electronic National Agricultural Market (e-Nam): A Review of Performance and Prospects in Haryana C.S.C Sekhar & Yogesh Bhatt 2018
183 An Economic Analysis of Cost and Return of Off-Season Vegetables with Focus on Poly House Effect in Uttarakhand Surender Kumar 2017
182 Farmer Suicides in Haryana Surender Kumar 2017
181 Possibilities and Constraints in Adoption of Alternative Crops to Paddy in Haryana Usha Tuteja 2015
180 Relationship between Wholesale Prices Retail Prices and Export Prices of Basmati Rice in Haryana Usha Tuteja 2015
179 Assessment of Marketable and Marketed Surplus of Major Food-grains in Haryana Usha Tuteja 2013
178 Baseline Data on Horticultural Crops in Uttarakhand Usha Tuteja 2013
177 Evaluation of Market Intervention Scheme in Uttarakhand (Apple C Grade) D.S Bhupal 2013
176 Evaluation of Price Support Scheme: Sunflower in Haryana D.S. Bhupal 2013
175 Impact of Emerging Marketing Channels in Agricultural Marketing Benefits to Producer Seller and Marketing Costs and Margins of Agricultural Commodities in Haryana Usha Tuteja and Subhash Chandra 2012
174 Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on Wage Rates Food Security and Rural-Urban Migration in Haryana D.S. Bhupal 2011
173 Impact of the National Horticulture Mission (NHM) Scheme in Haryana Usha Tuteja 2011
172 Possibilities and Constraints of Increasing Production of Pulses and Impact of National Food Security Mission, Pulses in Haryana Usha Tuteja 2011
171 Impact of Assessment Study of Agricultural Market Reforms in Uttarakhand and Haryana D.S. Bhupal 2009
170 Impact of Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme in Haryana R.P.S Malik 2009
169 Impact of Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme in Uttarakhand R.P.S Malik 2009
168 Instability in production and trade of pulses: A global analysis Usha Tuteja 2009
167 Review of the Comprehensive District. Agricultural Plan (C-DAP) of Kaithal district, Haryana Usha Tuteja 2009
166 Review of the Comprehensive District Agricultural Plan (C-DAP) of Dehradun district, Uttarakhand Usha Tuteja 2009
165 Review of the Comprehensive District Agricultural Plan (C-DAP) of Karnal District, Haryana D.S Bhupal 2009
164 State budgetary resources and agriculture development in Uttarakhand Usha Tuteja 2008
163 Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops as a Means of Diversification of Agriculture in Uttaranchal R.P.S Malik 2007
162 Factors Affecting Fertilizer Consumption in Haryana R.P.S Malik and C.S.C Shekhar 2007
161 Pilot Study for Estimation of Seed, Feed, and Wastage Ratio for Major Food Grains in Haryana D.S Bhupal 2007
160 Viable Entrepreneurial Trade of Women in Agriculture in Haryana Usha Tuteja 2007
159 Viable Entrepreneurial Trade of Women in Uttaranchal C.S.C Shekhar 2007
158 Agricultural Input Subsidies in India: Quantum of Subsidies to SC/ST Farmers Usha Tuteja 2006
157 Building of an Efficient Marketing System to Obviate Need for a Large scale State Intervention: A Consolidate Report J.P Singh 2005
156 Implication of Spatial and Farm Size Group Variation in Fertilizer Consumption Haryana Prem S. Vashishtha & Linu M Philip 2005
155 Oilseeds in Non-Traditional Areas: A Note on Sunflower Cultivation in Punjab Prem S. Vashishtha 2005
154 Agricultural Policy in India: A Policy Matrix in a Federal System---A Case Study of Haryana R.P.S Malik 2004
153 Fruits and Vegetable Mandies Located in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas of Delhi: Their Problems and Suggestions for Improvement D.S Bhupal 2004
152 Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables in India D.S Bhupal 2004
151 Oilseeds in Non-Traditional Areas: Sunflower Cultivation in Haryana Prem S. Vashishtha 2004
150 Rural Non-Farm Employment in Haryana Usha Tuteja 2004
149 Agricultural Input Subsidies in India: Quantum of Subsidies to Sc/ST Farmers A Study in Haryana Usha Tuteja 2003
148 Buffer Stocking Policy for Tenth Five-Year Plan: Background Paper for Discussion in the Meeting of Fifth Technical Group April 21, 2003 Prem S Vashishta and Linu M Philip 2003
147 Building up of an Efficient Marketing System to Obviate need for Large Scale State Intervention in Haryana J.P Singh 2003
146 Tailenderes and others Deprived in an Irrigated System in Haryana Prem S Vashishta 2003
145 Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers in Haryana R.P.S Malik 2002
144 Impact of Minimum Support Price on Agriculture Economic in Haryana R.P.S Malik 2002
143 Likely Impact of Liberalised Imports and Low on Edible Oil Sector: A Consolidate Report of the
Quick Studies Conducted by the AERC's
D.S Bhupal 2002
142 Agricultural Trade Liberalization and its implication on Indian Agriculture C.S.C Shekhar 2001
141 Assessing the Existing Training and Testing Facilities for Farm Machinery in Haryana C.S.C Shekhar 2001
140 Likely Impact of Liberalised Imports and Low on Edible Oil Sector: A Quick Study of Rapeseed and Mustard in Haryana D.S Bhupal 2001
139 Livestock Economy of Haryana: Recent Trends and Prospects R.K. Sharma 2001
138 Role of Co-operative Credit in Developing Different Size Groups of Farmers in Haryana: A Case study of Karnal dist. J.P Singh 2001
137 Economics of Pulses Production and Identification of Constraints in Raising Their Production in Punjab Usha Tuteja 2000
136 Socio-Economic Evaluation of the NIPMP for Rice and Cotton in Punjab R.P.S Malik 2000
135 Economics of Pulses Production and Identification of Constraints in Raising Their Production in Haryana Usha Tuteja 1999
134 Production and Utilisation Pattern of Milk at the Rural Producers Level in Punjab D.S Bhupal 1999
133 Economics of Export-Oriented Horticultural Crops in Haryana: A Case Study of Floriculture in Haryana R.P.S Malik 1998
132 Hi-tech Agriculture in Punjab: Performance and Prospects R.K.Sharma 1998
131 Interaction Between Population Growth Consumption and Land Use Change in Haryana (India) Prem S Vashishta 1998
130 Sources of Agricultural Growth in Semi-Arid Tropic: A Case Study of Haryana C.S.C Shekhar 1998
129 Analysis of Trends in Operational Holdings in Haryana J.P Singh 1997
128 Female Employment in Agriculture: A Case Study of Haryana Usha Tuteja 1997
127 Sustaining the Productivity of Resource Base: Evaluation of Some Technology and Policy Alternatives R.P.S Malik 1997
126 The Economics of Beekeeping in Punjab Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya 1997
125 Agricultural Development and Distribution of Gains in Punjab and Haryana J.P Singh 1996
124 Comparative Economics of Mechanized and Non-Mechanised Transportation of Agricultural Products: A Consolidated Report of AERC Studies D.S Bhupal 1996
123 Impact of Liberalised Policies on Agriculture and Conditions of Farming Population: A Case Study of Fast Food Industry R.P.S Malik and R.K Sharma 1996
122 Impact of National Watershed Development Project for rainfed areas in Haryana R.K Sharma 1996
121 The Impact of Subsidies on Agricultural Development: Consolidated Report on AERC Studies P. Rangaswamy 1995
120 Economic Viability of Small and Marginal Farmers in Haryana A Majid 1994
119 Emerging Problems of Agricultural Marketing with Special Focus on Input Supplies and Processing Unit D.S Bhupal 1994
118 Comparative Economics of Mechanised and Non-Mechanised Transportation of Agricultural Products in Haryana D.S Bhupal 1993
117 Dynamics of Green Revolution: An Analytical Survey of Micro Studies Conducted by AERC Delhi, In Haryana and Punjab R.R Vaish 1993
116 Effect of Subsidies on Agricultural Development: A Study in Haryana P Rangaswamy and S.N Mishra 1993
115 Impact of Increase in Fertiliser Price on the Consumption of Fertilizer in Haryana 1992-93 Kharif J.P Singh 1993
114 Impact of Watershed Development Project in Haryana R.K Sharma 1993
113 Cropping Pattern and Land Use Changes in the village of North India S.S Tyagi 1992
112 Decentralized planning in agriculture and rural development Infrastructure Development Enumeration at dist. Level C.S.C Shekhar 1992
111 Evaluation of Pulses Development Program in Haryana Usha Tuteja 1992
110 Reclamation of Alkaline Soils in Haryana D.S Bhupal 1992
109 Landuse Sustainability and Agriculture Development in West India 1951-88 D.P Chaudhuri 1991
108 Literacy in Haryana: Evidence from Village Studies A Majid 1991
107 Pattern of Employment and Labour Use in Punjab and Haryana Agriculture R.P.S Malik 1991
106 Role of Prices and Technology in Changing Factor Productions: A Case Study of Wheat and Paddy Farms in Punjab and Haryana Usha Tuteja 1991
105 Impact of Drought on Rural Economy in Haryana P. Rangaswamy 1990
104 Land Reform Policy Legislation Implementation and Impact in the Northern Region of India J.P Singh 1990
103 Role of Farm Extension in Drought Management R.K Sharma 1990
102 Price Spread in the Marketing of Vegetables in Delhi D.S Bhupal 1989
101 Prospects of Changing Cropping Pattern in Favour of Oilseeds and Pulses in Punjab and Haryana J.P Singh 1989
100 Efficiency of Investments in IRDP: A Study of Uttar Pradesh C.H Hanumantha Rao 1988
99 Region-wise Cropwise Fertilizer Consumption Fertilizer: A Study of Punjab 1983-84 R.P.S Malik 1988
98 Walidpur: Agricultural Transformation in Two Decades S.S Tyagi 1988
97 Animal Energy in Agriculture: A Case Study of Uttar Pradesh R.K Sharma 1987
96 Evaluation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Special Rice Production Programme in Eastern Uttar Pradesh J.P Singh 1987
95 Evaluation of Integrated Rural Development Programme in Haryana P Rangaswamy 1987
94 Impact of Price Reduction on Fertilizer Consumption: A Farm level Study of Kanpur dist. of UP Moolchand 1987
93 Impact of Professional Agricultural Extension: A Study of T7V Extension in Haryana R.K Sharma 1987
92 Marketing of Cotton: A Study in Haryana D.S Bhupal 1987
91 Region-wise and Cropwise Consumption of Fertilizer in Haryana: A Study of farm-level data for the year 1983-84 R.R. Vaish 1987
90 Region-wise Cropwise Fertilizer Consumption Fertilizer in Haryana R.R.Vaish 1987
89 Relative Prices in Punjab Agriculture J.P Singh 1987
88 Bengal Provincial Kisan Sabha: A Sociological Study of A Peasant Organization Abhijit Dasgupta 1987
87 Problems and Prospects of Pulses Crops Cultivation in Haryana Usha Tuteja 1986
86 Rural Development and Employment Opportunities: Case Study of a Village in District Sangrur, Punjab R.R Vaish 1986
85 Women's Contribution to Household Income among Agricultural Labourers of Punjab A Majid 1986
84 Evaluation of Investment on Tube wells and Land Development in Sangrur dist. of Punjab H. laxshminaryana 1985
83 Management of Social Forestry in Haryana: A Study in Ambla & Fatehabad Divisions P K. Bhattaracharya 1985
82 Utilization of Farm Implements in Punjab: A Case Study from Gurdaspur and Patiala District. D.S Bhupal 1985
81 Evaluation of Investment in Pumpsets in Haryana Laxminarayan, H 1984
80 Evaluation of Investment in Sprinklers in Haryana Laxminarayan, H 1984
79 Repaying Capacity of Farmers Based on Incremental Income in Haryana J.P Singh 1984
78 Agricultural Development in Haryana: Regional and Districtwise Variations in Crop Production and Productivity D.P Gupta 1982
77 An Evaluation of Antyodaya Programme in Uttar Pradesh: A Study of Selected Households in Districts Chamoli and Jhansi R.R Vaish 1982
76 Farm Power in Punjab: A Case study of Ludhiana district R.P.S Malik 1982
75 Agricultural Development in Punjab: A District wise Analysis 1966-67 to 1979-80 D.P Gupta 1981
74 Economic of Dry Farming in Drought Prone Area: A Case Study of Hissar in Haryana P. Rangaswamy 1981
73 Economics of Fodder Crop Cultivation: A Case study of Kharif Crops in Sirsa dist. Haryana Usha Nagpal 1981
72 Production and Marketing of Potato in Punjab P. Rangaswamy 1981
71 Agricultural Development and Disparities: A Study of Eighteen Western Districts of Uttar Pradesh K. Chandra Mouli 1980
70 An Evaluation of the Antyodaya Programme R.R Vaish 1980
69 Economics of Soybean Cultivation: With Reference to Nainital and Pauri Garhwal Dist. in U.P. S.S. Tyagi 1980
68 Factors Affecting Fertiliser Use in the Hill Region of Uttar Pradesh R.K Sharma 1980
67 Food For Work Programme: A Case Study of Banda Dist. R.D Sharma 1980
66 Influence of Rainfall and Temperature on Crop Production R.P.S Malik 1980
65 Unionisation of Agricultural Labourers : A Study in Farodkot dist. of Punjab P. Bhattacharya 1980
64 Impact of Harvest Combines on Labour Use Crop Pattern and Productivity: Rabi 1977-78 and Kharif 1978 H. Laxminarayan 1980
63 Income Saving and Investment of Selected Labour households in Ludhiana Meerut and Karnal Dist. : Combined Report for the Year 1969-70 to 1971-72 P Bhattacharya 1979
62 Share of the Small Farm Sector in Agriculture: A Case Study of Village Palanpur in Western U.P Usha Nagpal 1979
61 Agricultural Development in Haryana 1952-53 to 1975-76 D.P Gupta 1978
60 Agricultural Development in Punjab 1952-53 to 1976-77 K.K. Shangari 1978
59 Changes in Agrarian Structure H. Laxminarayan 1978
58 Factor Affecting Public Milk Procurement: A Case Study of Verka Milk Plant Amritsar Usha Nagpal 1978
57 Hill Area Development Programme: Pilot Project Pauri Garhwal (U.P) 1977-78 D.P Gupta 1978
56 Impact of Harvest Combines on Labour Use Crop Pattern and Productivity: Interim Report on Rabi Survey 1977-78 D.P Gupta 1978
55 Income saving & investment of farmers in an agriculturally prosperous area: A case study of Karnal dist. Harayana (1969-70-1971-72) Nabar, Veena 1978
54 Performance of High-Yielding Varieties of Wheat in Punjab, Haryana, and West Uttar Pradesh R.K. Sharma and R.P.S Malik 1978
53 Supply Response of Sugarcane and its Products in U P: With Special Reference to Muzaffarnagar District P. Rangaswamy 1978
52 Fixation of water rates H. Laxminarayan 1977
51 Income Saving and Investment: A Case study of Ludhiana district (1969-70 to 1971-72) A. Sartaj Kidwai 1977
50 Income Savings and Investments: A Study of Selected Farm Households in District Meerut 1969-70 to 1971-72 R.R Vaish 1977
49 Labor use in Cultivation: A Study of Selected Farm Households in district Ludhiana, Punjab 1969-70 R.R.Vaish 1977
48 Agricultural Development in Haryana 1952-53 to 1974-75 D.P Gupta 1976
47 Big Farmers of Punjab: Report of a Survey A. Majid and B.D Talib 1976
46 Factor Affecting Public Milk Procurement: A Case study of the Delhi milk Scheme 1965-66 to 1974-75 Veena Nabar 1976
45 Small Farmers of Punjab P. Bhattacharya and A Maijd 1976
44 Stagnation of Wheat Output 1972-73-75: A Study in Punjab Haryana U.P with Special Reference to dist. Ludhiana G.R. Saini 1976
43 Impact of Decline in Fertilizer Use During 1974-75: A Study in Selected Districts of Haryana, Punjab and U P R.K Sharma and D.P Gupta 1975
42 Small Farmers Development Programme in District Ambala (Haryana): An Evaluation of Progress and Problem S.S. Tyagi 1975
41 Economics of Tractor Cultivation: A Study in Karnal District Haryana R.K Sharma 1974
40 Evaluation of the Small Farmers Development Agency: A Pilot Study in Ambala District S.S Tyagi 1973
39 Small farmer Development programme: In Amritsar Ferozepur (Punjab) D.P Gupta 1973
38 State Take-over of Wholesale trade in wheat: An Appraisal of its Working in U.P, Haryana and Punjab K.C. Garg 1973
37 Study of district-wise Growth of Agricultural Output in Punjab 1952-69 Chandra Prabha 1973
36 The Social and Economic Implication of the Large-Scale Introduction of High Yield Varieties of Wheat in Haryana: The UNDP Global Project Part I: General H. laxminarayan 1973
35 Agrarian Transition in a West U P Village Ashwini Seth and Ajay Tankha 1972
34 Economics of Tractor vs Bullack Cultivation: A Study in Karnal District Haryana R.K Sharma 1972
33 A Study of Changes in the Socio-Economic Conditions of Weaving Households of Village Purena Pandey District Basti, U P: 1959-60 to 1964-65 R.A Singh 1971
32 Economics of Reclamation of Saline-Alkali Land: A Study in Aligarh Division of the Ganga Canals S.S. Tyagi 1971
31 Problems of Marginal Farmers and Landless Agricultural Labourers: A Study of Hissar District in Haryana State 1970-71 P.V.G.K Rao and R.K Sharma 1971
30 Study on Loans Advanced by the Land Development Banks in Uttar Pradesh: With Special Reference to District Barabanki and Mathura R.R Vaish 1971
29 Control of Water as a Source of Agricultural Development: The Case of Punjab Gilbert Leconte 1970
28 Land Reform and Agrarian Change in India and Pakistan Since 1947 P.C Joshi 1970
27 Wage and Employment of Agricultural Labourers in India: Some Cross-Sectional Analysis Kalpana 1970
26 Economic Aspects of High Yielding Varieties Programme in Punjab: A study of IR-8 Paddy in Amritsar district Kharif 1968-69 P.V.G.K. Rao 1969
25 Economics of high yielding Wheat in Punjab: Special reference to Amritsar district Rabi 1968-69 P.V.G.K. Rao 1969
24 Evaluation of the High Yielding Varieties Programme (Rabi-1968-69): a study of Mexican wheat in Karnal district (Haryana) R.K Sharma 1969
23 Report on HYVP in Saharanpur dist (U P) Rabi 1968-69: with reference to Mexican Wheat A.P Rao 1969
22 Wheat Package Profitability: A Study in the IADP district Aligarh, U P Kuldeep Chandra Sehgal 1969
21 A Study of the Problem of Wastage of Rural Primary Education in India AER Centre, Delhi 1968
20 Evaluation of high yielding variation program Rabi 1967-68: A study of Mexican Wheat in Saharanpur district U P D.P Gupta 1968
19 Evaluation of the High Yielding Varieties Programme (Rabi-1967): a study of Mexican wheat in Karnal district (Haryana) R.K Sharma 1968
18 Evaluation of the High Yielding Varieties Programme: a study of TN-I paddy in Karnal district (Haryana). R.K. Sharma 1968
17 Primary Education in Rural India: Participation and Wastage Amartya Sen 1968
16 Cooperative Farming in Pilot Project Areas in U.P and Punjab: Report on the Follow-up Survey (Part I & Part II) T.C Varghese 1967
15 Impact of the Intensive Sugarcane Development Scheme in I.D. block Daurala, dist. Meerut U P G.R Saini 1967
14 Price Behaviour of Important Cash Crops in Selected Markets of UP and Punjab 1952-66 D.P Gupta and D.P Dewan 1967
13 The High Yielding Varieties Programme 1966-67: A Study in District Aligarh U P D.P Gupta 1967
12 Behavior of Gram Price in Selected Markets of UP & Punjab (1952-64) D.P Gupta and D.P Dewan 1966
11 Cooperative Credit in the Package Programme: A Study in Aligargh district. U P R.K Sharma 1966
10 Introduction to Agricultural Production Economics and Farm Management C.A Robertson 1966
9 Behavior of Rice Price in Selected Markets in UP and Punjab (1952-64) D.P Gupta 1965
8 Economic and Social Aspects of Egg Production: A Study in Meerut Dist. U P U.S. Jaggi & C.A. Robertson 1965
7 Act on Economic Development on Agricultural Labour: case studies of 15 selected villages in Punjab and U P G.R. Saini and R K Sharma 1964
6 Cooperative Farming in Pilot Project Areas in U.P, Punjab and Delhi: An evaluation of progress and problems (Part I & Part II) T.C. Varghese and D.P Gupta 1964
5 Effectiveness of Crop Demonstrations: A Study of Wheat Demonstrations in Aligarh District U P C.A Robertson 1964
4 Agricultural Growth in Madras State 1949-50--1962-63 R. Thanarajkshi 1963
3 Socio-Economic Changes in Rural India 1954-55-58-59: A Case Study of Village in Western U.P SOHALAPUR GARA Saharanpur dist U.P P.C Joshi 1963
2 Farmers' response to Price and Marketing Policies affecting Sugarcane and Paddy: A Case Study in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India   1962
1 Socio-Economic Changes in Rural India (1955-56 -190-61): A case study of a village in Punjab H Laxminarayan 1961